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Know yourself
Consciousness * Will *Self-acceptance
As above, So below
As within, So without
As the universe, So the soul
Wellcome to nightsiders the house of Draconian and Nightside magick.
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Almog Yarden
Apr 22, 20223 min read
Shiva-Kali Vs Lucifer-Lilith
Shiva Shiva's quest for self-liberation is where the tale of this First Lord, also known as Adi Nath, begins. He engaged in Joga yoga in...
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Almog Yarden
May 5, 20212 min read
Shakti explained
Just what is shakti? In Hinduism, Shakti is the feminine aspect of the divine force and is frequently personified as the supreme mother...
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Almog Yarden
Apr 23, 20214 min read
Rebellion, Liberation, and acceptance of personal responsibility.
Initiating a rebellion against authority figures can be a vital first step toward self-liberation. Still, it can also become a trap that...
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Almog Yarden
Apr 23, 20216 min read
Parallelomania, mono-theism, and why archetypes lead to reductionism.
Parallelomania is the tendency to find connections or similarities between unrelated or distinct things, often to the point of distortion...
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Almog Yarden
Nov 25, 20204 min read
Shiva -Karma and the thing itself
It is essential to understand that Hindu logic fundamentally differs from Western logic. In western logic, there is a dichotomy between...
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Almog Yarden
Nov 17, 20204 min read
Concerning the Abyss of darkness - substance use
A sect of Hindu holy men called the Naga babas and Aghoris smoke cannabis, use other mind-altering substances and even drink alcohol as...
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Almog Yarden
Nov 16, 20203 min read
Concerning the Abyss of darkness - a psychological view
The ego is a person's sense of self and identity, influenced by their attachments to their family, career, financial situation, and other...
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Almog Yarden
Oct 14, 20203 min read
The three trials of the ego - III clarity
Can you handle clarity? Fear has become an exciting sensation, and self-importance is in check. You are fearless, powerful, and...
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Almog Yarden
Oct 13, 20206 min read
The three trials of the ego - II Power
Can you handle power? Only when fear is embraced and doubts about the existence of forces beyond yours are cleared away can you submit...
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Almog Yarden
Oct 12, 20203 min read
The three trials of the Ego - I Fear
So, you made your first steps into sorcery, contacted some discarnate beings, and performed cool rituals from those grimoires you bought...
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Almog Yarden
Oct 10, 20203 min read
Sexual magnetism, Shakti Joga, and sorcery
Shakti Joga is a spiritual discipline that focuses on developing a close relationship with Shakti, a divine feminine energy that...
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Almog Yarden
Oct 9, 20203 min read
Occult science and why I reject the notion of authority.
In society, it is typical to view authority as trustworthy information sources, particularly in the fields of science and research....
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Almog Yarden
Oct 8, 20202 min read
Packt with Beelzebub - Angel of entropy
DATE: 28/09/2020 TIME: Nighttime SUBJECT: Day 1 I am performing a ritual to open the Qliphoth and consecrate the seal. In the past, I...
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Almog Yarden
Sep 29, 20201 min read
Dragonic invocation of Tiamat and the ascending flame
O Drakon, O Megas Dragon of the abyss, prima locus. You who is power and ferociousness. You who is the primal womb of creation, whose...
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Almog Yarden
Sep 29, 20203 min read
MY packt with Asmodeus
DATE: 22/09/2020 TIME: Nighttime SUBJECT: Contacting Asmodeus DETAILS: I attempted to connect with Asmodeus by using a ritual that...
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Almog Yarden
Sep 29, 20202 min read
A sound relationship with Shakti
Hindu culture does not value women equally with men. Kali and other strong goddesses like Lilith and Na'ama are not pleased about this....
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Almog Yarden
Sep 29, 20201 min read
What is a Draconian
A powerful, chaotic, self-existing creature that exists beyond of space and time is referred to as a "Draconian." The power to manifest...
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Almog Yarden
Sep 29, 20203 min read
Na’amah - Nehemoth
My experience so far with Nehamoth and Naamah, the presiding Demoness. Na'amah is a powerful and mysterious being, often described as a...
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Almog Yarden
Sep 29, 20204 min read
The Angelic - Jahovic system
Jehovah is a name used in the Abrahamic religions, specifically Judaism and Christianity, to refer to God. The exact origins and meaning...
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Almog Yarden
Sep 29, 20202 min read
Correlation - The Draconian and Jogic-Tantric path
The style of meditation that I practice is called "Joga," which involves using willpower to consciously descend into the darkness to...
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