Shiva-Kali Vs Lucifer-Lilith
Know yourself
Consciousness * Will *Self-acceptance
As above, So below
As within, So without
As the universe, So the soul
Wellcome to nightsiders the house of Draconian and Nightside magick.
Shakti explained
Rebellion, Liberation, and acceptance of personal responsibility.
Parallelomania, mono-theism, and why archetypes lead to reductionism.
Shiva -Karma and the thing itself
Concerning the Abyss of darkness - substance use
Concerning the Abyss of darkness - a psychological view
The three trials of the ego - III clarity
The three trials of the ego - II Power
The three trials of the Ego - I Fear
Sexual magnetism, Shakti Joga, and sorcery
Occult science and why I reject the notion of authority.
Packt with Beelzebub - Angel of entropy
Dragonic invocation of Tiamat and the ascending flame
MY packt with Asmodeus
A sound relationship with Shakti
What is a Draconian
Na’amah - Nehemoth
The Angelic - Jahovic system
Correlation - The Draconian and Jogic-Tantric path