A sect of Hindu holy men called the Naga babas and Aghoris smoke cannabis, use other mind-altering substances and even drink alcohol as part of their spiritual practice. These substances, known as sacraments, open the mind to new influences, weaken the body, and train the will and focus. By consuming and overcoming these "poisons," one is believed to develop the strength and determination to face the world's challenges.
Among the Naga babas, smoking cannabis from a traditional pipe called chillum is considered so vital that it takes precedence over other spiritual practices such as prayer, mantra repetition, and meditation. In spiritual training (called an ashram), even young initiates can smoke as much as they like as long as they fulfill their responsibilities and duties. However, it is not a time for leisure or laziness, as the point is to work through the effects of the substance and develop self-control.
I experienced the use of mind-altering substances as part of my spiritual training with my guru. During the Kumbh Mela festival, he prescribed 30-40 chillum hits of cannabis per day for me, in addition to other practices. This was not for recreational purposes but to push me to develop my will and mental clarity. He even removed his protective mantra (a psychic shield) as I progressed in my training. He applied additional psychic pressure through his mantras, mocking my struggles to maintain clarity. Despite heavily using these substances, he remained awake and vital at 68.
I've discovered that utilizing mind-altering substances may be quite helpful for shedding restricting viewpoints and beliefs, opening up fresh ways of looking at reality, and challenging deeply rooted false mainstream notions.
I have encountered this in my spiritual practice, and the "Teaching of Don Juan" book series also looks into it.
Don Juan, a character in these volumes, challenges Carlos Castaneda's perceptions of reality and teaches him what power is by using various techniques and substances.
Working with a guru or utilizing particular techniques or substances are just a few of the many factors that can quicken our development and move us closer to our objectives.
It's crucial to understand that substances are limited in their ability to advance us.
Authentic self-mastery and worldly comprehension demand persistent effort and the readiness to undergo difficult personal change.
Drugs like Datura commonly called the "devil's weed," can give users brief feelings of power and give them a glimpse of reality's many facets.
However, it's crucial to keep in mind that these experiences have a price and don't always reflect our strength or perception of reality.
Instead, they might inspire us to progressively increase our strength and reconsider how we view the world.
We must approach these substances cautiously and avoid overusing them in our spiritual practice.
The visions and messages they convey are not stable or durable in daily life. Thus, it is crucial to keep in mind that mind-altering substances are untrustworthy sources of spiritual guidance.
It is essential to have a clear mind in order to converse clearly with the spirit realm.
It's a good idea to steer clear of making decisions based on your experiences while using these substances because those memories might not hold up to sober reflection.
More trustworthy spiritual communication channels can be found in dreams and other types of divination, such as tarot reading.
Mind-altering substances should be used responsibly, and giving yourself time to process and integrate the experiences is crucial.
The ultimate objective of spiritual practice is the transcendence of ordinary perception and the steady growth of spiritual strength and illumination (called muni).
This can be accomplished by persistent effort and a readiness to go through personal development.
The ability to accomplish these aims, however, may be impacted by one's unique circumstances (known as karma). Concentrating on transcending false beliefs and limiting mental constructs rather than aiming for ascension may be more appropriate. A
I prepared myself through rigorous kriya yoga for ascension.
Stopped eating, drinking, and sleeping while engaging in severe Aghori practice at the crematorium. I was surrounded by Sadhus and Aghoris, which encouraged and assisted me in this process.
Yet after two and a half weeks, my discontent escalated to the extent that I understood ascension was not intended for me at this moment.
The process of quitting cold turkey was so challenging and devastating that
I needed a year to get my composer back and another two years to fully recover.
In the process, my "shut," or shadow/mold body, burned out, which is necessary for ascension. M
y background in martial arts, my self-control, and my firm will allowed me to hold on and eventually heal.
My goal is to "decent" or perfect my physical body and mind in order to manifest everything I am in this world rather than to pursue ascension.
I aspire to be a grandmaster of the globe and a living dragon.
My motto for achieving transcendency is simple:
'I,’ transcend 'that' bullshit, Hance! I am transcendent.
It is evident that mind-altering drugs and behaviors, such as smoking chillum and consuming datura, play their part in spiritual evolution and provide a window into alternate realities.
It is crucial to remember that these substances and techniques should be taken with spiritual development and investigation in mind.
The spiritual journey requires constant effort, self-transformation, and the direction of a reputable teacher.
It is also essential to approach these procedures cautiously and be aware of potential risks and hazards.