In society, it is typical to view authority as trustworthy information sources, particularly in the fields of science and research.
Nevertheless, this anti-scientific strategy can result in knowledge decline and subpar instruction.
Scientists must acquire a discerning mind, be critical of anything said, and weigh the facts before drawing any conclusions.
Furthermore, as science is a dynamic discipline, most of what we currently regard as scientific "facts" will probably be refuted by later generations of scientists. Yet, testing has rigorously examined and repeatedly proved some scientific truths.
Newton's laws of mechanics and Darwin's theory of evolution are two examples of scientific facts that have withstood the test of time and have been backed by abundant evidence.
Certain persons are frequently regarded as an authority in the occult and treated as such.
Yet, it is crucial to remember that these people could not possess absolute knowledge, and their comprehension of the matter might need to be corrected or lacking.
This is particularly true for the early generations of occult researchers, who frequently had few resources available and may have depended on inaccurate translations or unverifiable data.
Modern research and practices in disciplines like archeology, Buddhism, and psychology have shown that many of these traditional doctrines were essentially false or seriously deficient.
For instance, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn has a history of changing systems to meet its beliefs.
It is well known that their interpretation of the Enochian system presents difficulties for practitioners.
Consequently, rather than mindlessly adhering to their teachings, it is imperative to question authority people and thoroughly assess the facts they present.
Although Crowley's correspondence system has some practical value, it also reveals a need for deeper understanding and bias toward foreign civilizations because it haphazardly combines complicated and complex concepts.
He was also addicted to cocaine and heroin, which would have made it difficult for him to reason coherently.
Notwithstanding these shortcomings, many occultists and magicians still adhere to Crowley's teachings because he is regarded as an authority on the subject.
Nonetheless, many contemporary practitioners have greater knowledge, better tools, and more knowledgeable professors.
They can go deeper into magic and mysticism than Crowley and his peers could.
I found it frustrating to run into people who claim to be informed about Hebrew sources but reject my explanations because they disagree with the interpretation of their "authorities" because I am a native Hebrew speaker with a high scholarly knowledge of the language.
Their predecessors frequently relied on intricate Hebrew sources that had first been translated into Greek and Latin, then into French and German, and last into sophisticated English.
Unfortunately, these translations were frequently downgraded and simplified for religious reasons, resulting in less accurate knowledge of the sources.
Although some of the information from this era is still accurate today, most of it was "channeled" and unreliable.
John Dee possesses the commitment and intensity necessary to use spiritual divination to learn important information.
Even Dee, though, was given ambiguous instructions that made for a challenging life.
To avoid false information, it is crucial to query "authorities" and be wary of "spirits."
Those who practice occultism are always beginning with influence steaming from their religious upbringing and the constrictive thinking of the day.
They were frequently penalized for exercising their imaginations and had limited thought processes.
Their psychological condition was, therefore, superior to that of medieval occultists, who exclusively saw visions of devils and angels and had no knowledge of polytheistic societies.
However, their ability to understand pictorial imagery and spiritual knowledge remained constrained.
As a result, when attempting to access the "lunar reservoir of pictures," they were more susceptible to madness and psychic disintegration.
In comparison, we can now understand singularities, extra dimensions, livable planets, parallel worlds, and one-night stands.
Their knowledge of the world was restricted to the notions that masturbation would result in blindness and deformity, that the earth was flat, the center of the cosmos, and ruled by a single deity.
Movies, heavy metal music, psytrance, fantasy and science fiction books, and video games have significantly impacted our ability to visualize and comprehend metaphysical ideas.
An occultist can benefit from a simple understanding of computers while attempting to explain the metaphysics of the mind.
All study topics should be approached with a critical and questioning perspective, and it's essential to be conscious of the shortcomings and prejudices of those who have come before us.
While using others' expertise and experiences might be beneficial, it's crucial to think independently and not just accept other people's opinions without question.
It's crucial to take care of our mental and emotional health and be mindful of any potential negative consequences that specific ideas or habits may have on our well-being.
In the end, it is up to each person to choose the practices and knowledge that are useful and pertinent to them and to approach their studies with an open, discerning mind.