Can you handle clarity?
Fear has become an exciting sensation, and self-importance is in check.
You are fearless, powerful, and knowledgeable but you must also be wise.
From your small piece of self-manifested paradise, you can see the big picture and your place in it. Everything makes perfect sense, and your sight is crystal clear.
Congratulations! It's the third ego.
The Ego of the mind
Clarity has become your worst enemy; the third Ego creeps in for all it takes to stop you from achieving it all.
The combination of qualities you acquired previously will make you careless.
Did you remember the base principle of uncertainty? The chaotic nature of reality? Entropic, changeable, and undetermined.
The ego of the mind blinds and deceives you, and the third ego has taken hold of the helm.
You are a demigod among cattle, able to achieve anything necessary to make progress, and almost nothing can stop you.
You fearlessly aim at that goal, take well-measured, decisive, unstoppable steps, know your way around, and how to reach that executive point you were aiming at.
You know how to work within the matrix to help the bigger picture and bend reality to your will, but that gives you blind certainty.
It is a point in front of your eyes, but you cannot see it.
The stacks are high.
The gameboard of the world is crowded with cattle, which you know to handle.
You can put up with their banality and never-ending piss-off contests.
But there are others of your kind—sorcerers, spirits, and demigods—furthering their ends within foreign systems you know nothing about.
You must have realized by now that the world is not as it appears. Other structures and continuums exist that you have to consider within the scope of your kingdom.
The void exists beyond the warm womb of Tiamat and Leviathan's coiled embrace, and others you are unaware of are inhabiting the void, furthering their own greater plans.
All are after limited resources, even if it's for different purposes and the stacks are high.
Every project requires power and lots of energy, and even a tiny slip might mean failure and loss.
Unfortunately, you are blind to your certainty, neglecting the uncertainty principle. You don't think about entropy, focusing your will so hard on the goal that you miss other options.
It's all-or-nothing for you, and you are in it for all. A high-stack gambler duped by the third ego will lose more than he will win.
Others, less powerful yet wiser, know to cut their losses and gain less over time is to earn more.
You have been racing for so long that pacing takes tremendous effort. Yet, it all seems so easy, so inevitable—a point-to-point operation in a multidimensional board game.
Only by a direct act of will can you hold those galloping horses of the third ego and admit your short-sightedness.
You must patiently wait for an opening in the multidimensional fabric of creation, stalk it regularly, and expect the uncertainty principle to present an opportunity for gain.
Calculate your way to the places where it is most likely to happen—conjunctions and possible fluctuations—and learn to predict it.
Be a fisherman spreading his nets, a hunter tracking the prey and placing traps, and a gatherer seeking roots and berries in the forest.
It is more about gaining little by little over a long period.
That's how it works in the long run.
Use it, take advantage of their lack of insight and certainty, and work with it to make them lose. A little time goes a long way.
The third ego is the last opportunity to work your will against something. Beyond this point, there will be no encumbrances and no challenges left. You have achieved godhood. Nothing more to push against.
The fourth and final enemy appears, but it is completely different this time.
You have worked through challenges and problems to become a god, to be completely free from tyranny, to have a place in the night, and to have as much time as you need to keep doing your work.
The road was long and arduous; you are tired, with nothing new to expect.
You are aching to sink into the darkness beyond and leave this old and worn-out body behind.
Still, it would be best if you continued relentlessly; this body of yours is an anchor, and every second you are still here is immeasurable in terms of gain.
You are your salvation, owing no one anything and free of tyranny.
Rest in eternal darkness beyond reach; the expected return to the mother dragon's womb will come.
Death has become your salvation and only friend.
It is done.